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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Madison Kelley sprints down the field looking for a goal. This is Kelley's second year on the varsity lacrosse team.

May Athlete of the Month: Madison Kelley

Michael Raphael, Staff writer May 14, 2019

Senior varsity lacrosse midfielder Madison Kelley is the May Athlete of the Month.  Kelley has had a solid and productive season as a senior leader for the lacrosse team.  She had 4 goals to help assist...

David Peele

David Peele

April 20, 2018

"I play lacrosse for the Carlisle team. I've been playing for eight years and I'm still not [very] good at it."

The senior boys pose for a picture with the District Title trophy. These seniors have been playing together all 4 years of their high school careers.

Spring teams make history

Justine Douglas, Sports writer June 3, 2014

This year, several spring sports teams had remarkable seasons that put them in the history books. Boys Lacrosse The Carlisle boys’ lacrosse team made history by winning the District Title. They...

New sports season ready to spring into action

Justine Douglas, Sports writer February 28, 2014

Boys Lacrosse Last year, the boys lacrosse team finished their season 18-4 and beat Hershey in the Mid-Penn Championship. They made it to the semifinals in districts and got to the second round in state...

Max Breschi, Tre Coleman, and Jon Mundell all wait to sign their letters of intent on Feb 6.

Three Carlisle seniors fulfill their lifelong dreams, sign with colleges

Tyler Galaskas, Sports editor February 13, 2014

Many athletes work all their lives in order to achieve the goal of playing the sports in college.  On Thursday, Feb. 6, three Carlisle seniors fulfilled that goal during “Signing Day.” Trevanté...

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