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The student news site of Carlisle High School


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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School



Emma McShea, Staff Writer May 26, 2022

The following students have indicated that they are interested in joining these branches of the military.

Where are they going? Class of 2022

Where are they going? Class of 2022

Periscope staff May 26, 2022

We reached out to the class of 2022 to learn about their plans for next year. Check out each chapter below to see what they told us.  

WELCOME HOME: The writer as a child waits in anticipation to see her dad, who's been deployed. Deployment can be a time of uncertainty but finally reuniting makes the wait worthwhile.

Moving with the military: A glimpse into the life of an Army brat (Editorial)

Emma McShea, Staff Writer November 21, 2021

I don’t have what most people would consider a “hometown.” Since my dad is in the Army, I've moved six times in my 14 years of living. I know what it’s like to say goodbye to people and places...

Do you stand for the Pledge of Allegiance?  This writer believes you should.

Students should stand for the Pledge of Allegiance (Editorial)

Sarah Payne, Perspectives writer February 22, 2015

“I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…” The first time these words were said by students during school was on October 12, 1892 to celebrate the 400-year anniversary...

'American Sniper,' featuring Bradley Cooper as Chris Kyle, is breaking box office records as highest grossing war film.

‘American Sniper’ hits its mark (Review)

Zach Brehm, Web Director February 3, 2015

As one might expect for a movie about one of the best snipers in U.S. history, “American Sniper” is on target for being one of the best war films of all time. Considering that the Warner Bros. film...

Carlisle Barracks is one of the many entities affected by the government shutdown.

Cash-strapped in Congress and Carlisle

Janie Haseman, News Editor October 7, 2013

As of October 1, government funding for countless programs has been completely cancelled. In Carlisle, the effects of this cancellation can be seen far and wide. The reason for the government shutdown...

Editorial: War in Syria could become war in America

SarahBeth Davis, Perspectives writer September 27, 2013

The United States could possibly start a war in Syria, due to their recent use of chemical weapons. Chemical warfare, the use of toxic chemicals to cause harm or death, is one of the cruelest means of...

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