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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


FOSTER THE MAGIC: This photo was taken by PennState Freshman Ashtyn Cartwright during their THON. THON was accompanied by the theme "Foster the Magic", featuring students holding up diamonds with their hands to support the event and organization.

Saving and Changing Lives: Mini-Thon event returns to Carlisle

Jillian Grimes, News Editor March 13, 2023

In the U.S. 16,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year, it is the prime cause of childhood death, according to PennState Health's Four Diamonds’ program. Four Diamonds’ approach to childhood...

Winter Ball court members Michael "MJ" Julias, Eric Hoover, and Marty "MJ" Brown, all seniors, participate in a pie eating contest.  This was one of the highlights of the Winter Ball pep rally.

A “Mini” gathering: Students celebrate Mini-THON at Winter Week pep rally (Photos)

Nadia Startzman, Staff writer February 20, 2020

On Fri. Jan. 24 all CHS  students gathered in the McGowan Gym, to introduce our Winterball court and to talk about Mini-THON.  Friday's spirit day was upperclassmen (12th and 11th grade) vs. underclassmen...

Four Carlisle High School seniors showed their school spirit during the grade level dance-off.

Getting in the spirit of giving: Spirit Week kicks off Mini-THON

Dyamond Jones and Carlin Diehl November 28, 2018

Carlisle High School’s Spirit Week is typically a week full of fun activities and school pride in preparation for Homecoming, but the lengthy gym renovations put a halt the on this CHS tradition, leaving...

Grace Tollett and Paige Tollett enjoy their pancakes. Students in the club sold tickets and made the pancakes for the breakfast.

By the kids, for the kids: Students prepare for MiniTHON

Autiana Easley, Student Life writer December 21, 2017

Carlisle High School offers many clubs and activities, but one special activity that is available to students is the MiniTHON club. Based on Penn State’s THON, MiniTHON is a student-run club, led...

FTK stands for "For the Kids," the slogan of MiniTHON.  This year's event will kick off on Thursday April 13 at noon.

CHS MiniTHON: Behind the Scenes Q&A

Samantha Martin, Editor in Chief April 11, 2017

On Thursday, April 13, Carlisle High School will host its fourth annual MiniTHON dance marathon. CHS Periscope talked to the fundraising adviser for the MiniTHON club, senior Lizzie Neumann, about the...

CHS's miniTHON 2014 surpassed their expectations with their $18,477.20 total raised.

MiniTHON blasts off beyond expectations

Bryanna Youtzy, News writer March 25, 2014

Carlisle’s first annual miniTHON took place Friday, March 21, and exceeded the expectations of many. With a goal in mind of $8,000, the hard work and dedication of various organizations and students...

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