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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Seniors celebrate their win at the pep rally!

After Hours Spirit: CHS’s 2024 Spirit Week Activities (Gallery)

Laura Sands, Editor in Chief November 1, 2024

Last week was homecoming week, and while each day was themed, each night was also a celebration! Monday started off with a Wingin' It show, followed by a Dodgeball Tournament, Powderpuff, the pep rally,...

Winter Ball court members Michael "MJ" Julias, Eric Hoover, and Marty "MJ" Brown, all seniors, participate in a pie eating contest.  This was one of the highlights of the Winter Ball pep rally.

A “Mini” gathering: Students celebrate Mini-THON at Winter Week pep rally (Photos)

Nadia Startzman, Staff writer February 20, 2020

On Fri. Jan. 24 all CHS  students gathered in the McGowan Gym, to introduce our Winterball court and to talk about Mini-THON.  Friday's spirit day was upperclassmen (12th and 11th grade) vs. underclassmen...

Student looks on at the closed stand wondering why there is no pep rally.

Winter Week put on ice

Olivia Boyd and Meg Tate January 5, 2017

In past years, Student Council has hosted not only a winter week but a Mr. CHS pageant. While the pageant is relatively new, the winter week, and the pep rally that goes with it, has been occurring for...

CHS Pep Rally (Slideshow)

CHS Pep Rally (Slideshow)

Hannah Westbrook, Photographer, Advice Column October 22, 2015

Spirit Week: Pep Rally (video)

Periscope staff October 29, 2013

The seniors must have believed that they would win because they did! Despite a strong showing from the freshman class, the seniors took the class war title this year and stormed the court in celebration....

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