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The student news site of Carlisle High School


  • March 3Celebrate Math Week
  • February 27Mamma Mia Musical 2/27-3/1 at 7!
The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


COLLEGE CRITICS: This was the image used to break the news to current and applied students of the closure The College of Saint Rose. Throughout this article are the comments the colleges Instagram account was met with when posting this image on their page.

Accepted Yet Denied: How College Closures Affect Current and High School Students (Editorial)

Jillian Grimes, News Editor March 14, 2024

The perfect college, the perfect programs, the perfect location. The thing that almost every senior is trying to find. Surrounded by the pressure and tension of waiting for college decisions, financial...

Drake couldn't even fix this depression - My room after having a depressive episode becomes a place of stress instead of a place of tranquility.

Seasonal Depression: A Mixture of Snow and Sadness (Editorial)

Natalia Iannucci, Staff Writer December 11, 2023

Have you ever felt like Bella Swan from Twilight, just watching the colder months pass you by? You sit in a haze while the leaves change colors; they fall, a swirling storm of yellows and oranges, and...

BRAINS OR BANS: Florida governor Ron DeSantis moves to eradicate the course AP Psychology in an effort to censor students from LGBTQ+ content.

AP Psychology in Florida: The Mind Boggling Ban (Editorial)

Natalia Iannucci, Staff Writer October 24, 2023

Within the first few weeks of the new school year, the Republican governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, has decided to “effectively ban”  the College Board Advanced Placement Psychology course from Florida...

Could not showing up to the debate be what finally does in Trump?

Donald Trump: Victory in Absentia? (Editorial)

Harry Wendelken, Student Life January 29, 2016

Donald Trump. There has not been a more inflammatory name in American politics since the days of Governor Wallace, Nixon, or Ronald Regan. Bitter old racist, hopeless narcissist, or conservative populist...

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