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The student news site of Carlisle High School


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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


The Anthony G. Ceddia building at Shippensburg University. A shooting recently occurred just outside of the university's campus, prompting discussions regarding safety and student wellness.

Students discuss safety after Shippensburg shooting

Samantha Martin, Editor in Chief October 26, 2019

With the commonality of school-related shootings, and especially with one occurring close to home, many students are on edge regarding their safety.  Reactions to a recent shooting outside of Shippensburg...

No one wants to think about the feasibility of a school shooting at CHS.  But if one were to happen, would students know how to respond?

It could happen here: Intruder drills don’t prepare us for increasingly plausible situations (Editorial)

Josetta Checkett, Perspectives Junior Editor October 26, 2017

It may feel like school shootings are a faraway danger, but according to the Everytown Gun Safety Support Group there have been over 240 school shootings in the United States alone since 2013. Most of...

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