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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Baby Bison: Class of '23 Then & Now

Baby Bison: Class of ’23 Then & Now

Jenna Coller, Editor-in-Chief May 26, 2023

As the Class of 2023's senior year comes to a close, many have been reminiscing their childhood before they set off into the world of adulthood. A few students submitted photos of them as children and...

FINE DINING: After the Model UN Summit, Starner and a few friends walked to Korea Town where they enjoyed Korean cuisine. Pictured from left to right is Dawson Becerra, Owen Starner, Elias Kradel, Elena Rasmussen, and Natalie Buss.

Celebrating Good Times: Seniors reflect on their favorite events of the school year

Alex Landis and Hannah Stoner May 24, 2023

Throughout the school year, CHS hosted and participated in several events to keep students socially active with their peers, and provided a time for them to wind down from all the stress of homework and...

When polled, the class of 2023 provided their summer plans to the Periscope staff.

Senior Summer Bucket List

Myana Brown, Staff Writer May 22, 2023

As summer rolls around, every student is looking for things to fill the long days, but seniors in particular are trying to make the most of their last summer before life gets real. These are the most popular...

STANDING TOGETHER: This photo contains the two main contributors in the process of the approval course, student and teacher; Stroud (left) and Wagner (right) together in his classroom.

Students Stand Up: How Student Activism Can Make an Impact

Jillian Grimes, News Editor May 10, 2023

The Carlisle Area School Board approved AP African American Studies, an AP course that many students desire, at a board meeting on April 20. The course was endorsed by the Board with a unanimous decision...

YOU'RE INVITED: This photo showcases the invitations for the Masquerade Prom.

Masquerade Mystery: Prom is celebrated off campus

Jillian Grimes, News Editor April 19, 2023

Amidst the stress of the final quarter of the school year, one last dance always finds its way to shine through it all: Prom.  Contrary to previous years, Prom is going to be held off CHS campus this...

“My favorite place on the campus is the stadium and track. Too many late-night games and meets to forget.” -Ryan Jerev

No place like home: Seniors share their favorite spots on campus (photos)

Kaylea Martin, Staff Writer June 1, 2022

Check out each photo for a quote from a senior about why this spot is their comfort place while on campus.

Dreams do come true: looking back on the early days for our future college athletes (photos)

Dreams do come true: looking back on the early days for our future college athletes (photos)

Jillian Grimes and Hannah Stoner May 27, 2022

Here, we are displaying pictures of various CHS senior athletes who plan on furthering their athletic careers at the college level. Several athletes have signed to play over the school year; check...

Camera Bailey, Dominic Gearhart, and Gianna Peters looked to Shakespeare for their quote, a famous speech in "Hamlet" of a father giving advice to his son.

Sidewalk Inspiration (Photos)

Periscope staff May 26, 2022

The members of the AP Lit class took to the streets (well, sidewalks) to share some of their favorite inspirational quotes from texts they have read in their school years. You can see the whole display...


Emma McShea, Staff Writer May 26, 2022

The following students have indicated that they are interested in joining these branches of the military.

Where are they going? Class of 2022

Where are they going? Class of 2022

Periscope staff May 26, 2022

We reached out to the class of 2022 to learn about their plans for next year. Check out each chapter below to see what they told us.  

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