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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


FIDs put too much pressure on parents (Editorial)

Samantha Martin, Editor in Chief February 5, 2020

In a time where technology makes learning new information and completing schoolwork far easier than ever before, many schools are taking advantage of new programs meant to enhance education and make it...

FID days help students become flexible learners (Editorial)

Abigail Lindsay, Editor in Chief February 5, 2020

Say goodbye to snow make-up days and hello to FID days.  While in the moment, having to complete work on a snow day may seem annoying, in the overall scheme this will allow students not to have to return...

Layers of snow and ice cover a local road. When inclement weather makes travel to and from school impossible, is it better to use a Flexible Instruction Day that day or a snow make-up day later in the year? Our two Editors-in-Chief debate this very question.

Best to be flexible? The pros and cons of FID (Editorial Face-Off)

Samantha Martin and Abigail Lindsay January 29, 2020

With the possibility of impending weather coming this evening, check out our thoughts on the new Flexible Instruction Days (FID) in this student editorial face-off. For more general information about...

Snow barrels down on Carlisle residents as they try to shovel out their sidewalks. There have been 4 snowstorms this winter season for Carlisle.

Winter wonderland: Inside snow day decision making (Editorial)

Carter Smith, Staff Writer February 19, 2019

With winter in full swing, delays and cancellations are occurring often. While we students anxiously wait to hear about the fate of our day, we may not realize how difficult of a task it can be for administrators...

Snowy weather may be beautiful but it poses many threats to students on their way to school. How do schools decide when they do or do not cancel?

Slip and slide: Ice on the roads continues to pose a threat (Editorial)

Ashley Ivanoff, Perspectives Editor March 20, 2018

I'm not the kind of person who shies away from a snowy day. In fact, the snow, to me, is the only good part of the dreary winter weather. The snow brings out a certain joy in me that doesn't come very...

An “I’m Bored” Jar is a jar in which you fill with things you want to do in the future such as go hiking, take a drive through the mountains, or just go for ice cream with friends. Ideas in this jar are for all year round and what better way to spend winter than thinking about your plans for the summer.

Snowed in? ‘Snow’ problem!

Brooklyn Norrell, Student Life Editor January 26, 2015

The weather report from the night before said 70% chance of snow and you think maybe snow day, maybe not. You go to bed like normal just in case but at six the next morning, you hear the phone ring. You...

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