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The student news site of Carlisle High School


  • March 3Celebrate Math Week
  • February 27Mamma Mia Musical 2/27-3/1 at 7!
The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Students eat lunch in the cafeteria. Movies often depict cafeterias as a breeding ground for popularity problems but, is it?

Does popularity really matter? (Editorial)

Reese Daugherty, Perspectives Writer October 6, 2017

Within modern media, popularity is a common topic in schools, work places, and generally every large group of people. Movies like Mean Girls and Clueless depict a huge clique problem among the students...

Empty Bowls to fill bellies: NAHS to raise funds for Project Share

Empty Bowls to fill bellies: NAHS to raise funds for Project Share

Brooklyn Norrell, Student Life Editor February 24, 2015

The Empty Bowls workshops are a chance for students to make clay bowls, glaze them, and then go to the ice cream social in May. On February 28, the first workshop is being held to make the clay bowls....

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