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The student news site of Carlisle High School


  • March 3Celebrate Math Week
  • February 27Mamma Mia Musical 2/27-3/1 at 7!
The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Becca Winton, who is currently a junior at CHS, participates in an activity at the 2017 HOBY conference. Applications are now being accepted from sophomores for the 2018 conference.

Empowering tomorrow’s leaders: CHS students to attend HOBY leadership conference

Skylar Bowers, Student Life Editor October 27, 2017

"Go make a difference!" In an effort to encourage students to become strong leaders and empower others to improve society,  Carlisle High School has nominated two sophomore CHS students each year for...

Carol Etzel holds a welcome sign in front of the McGowan entrance. Carlisle High School is offering a new group as a way to help new students transition to the school.

New student group makes transitions easier

Ashley Ivanoff, Perspectives Editor October 24, 2017

In a school reporting an average of 1525 students in grades 9 to 12 each year (according to the district website), it is understandably easy for students new to CHS to feel lost in more ways than one....

Seniors Emilie Zukowski and Ely Brode show off their class color, white. Zukowski was keeping the tradition of a senior girl wearing a wedding dress alive.

Spirit week: Class Colors (Photos)

Verity Stine, Student Life Editor October 22, 2017


Students show off their spirit at the Pep Rally.

Homecoming Week 2014: Were the themes a hit or a miss? (Editorial)

Anna Hetherington, Perspectives writer October 26, 2014

Homecoming Week 2014 experienced some immensely successful theme days. It was an intense battle between the upper- and lowerclassmen, as per usual during spirit weeks. Ultimately the seniors came out victorious...

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