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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


Carlisle’s student body enjoys Bingo Night

Winter Wins: Carlisle’s 2025 Winter Spirit Week

Lyric Koch, Editor in Chief February 27, 2025

Senior class council hosted Carlisle’s first Winter Ball Spirit Week. The underclassmen and upperclassmen went head to head to win spirit points. Everyone put up a good fight, but the upperclassmen ultimately...

Seniors celebrate their win at the pep rally!

After Hours Spirit: CHS’s 2024 Spirit Week Activities (Gallery)

Laura Sands, Editor in Chief November 1, 2024

Last week was homecoming week, and while each day was themed, each night was also a celebration! Monday started off with a Wingin' It show, followed by a Dodgeball Tournament, Powderpuff, the pep rally,...

Mr. Fahnestock organizes so much of spirit week and participates in the spirit days too! For class colors he made sure he had every class's color on him!

Successful Spirit Week: CHS’s Outfits for the 2024 Themed Spirit Days (Gallery)

Laura Sands and Lyric Koch October 30, 2024

Last week was Spirit Week here at CHS! Throughout the week each of the four classes worked to collect points and then on Friday one class won Class Clash. The point system was changed slightly this year...

FLOWERS FOR ALL: All six hoco-court nominees pose with bouquets of flowers and smiles.

Disco Reflections: Homecoming Week Recap

Jenna Coller, Editor-in-Chief October 15, 2023

Every year, the week of the Homecoming game and dance is chaotic at CHS, with Student Council held events and spirit week, a Wingin' It show, the Powderpuff Game, and each Class Council pulling together...

Seniors Morgan Hayes, Amelia Morris, and Maddy Coombs represent country club tennis in Oracle!

Herd Before Hoco: CHS’s Homecoming Spirit Week 2023 (Gallery)

Kathrin Bryson and Jenna Coller October 3, 2023

Student Council's Homecoming Spirit Week kicked off this year on Monday October 2 leading up to the Homecoming Football game on Friday October 6 and Dance on Saturday October 7! Here are some looks from...

Kelina Ellis-King (left), Natalya Maggiore (center), and Savawn Martin (right) are prepared for an intense round of Bingo.

Periscope Paparazzi: CHS Homecoming Spirit Week 2022 (Gallery)

Jenna Coller, Editor-in-Chief October 17, 2022

  Scroll down to see how some students celebrated CHS's Homecoming Spirit Week this year! Monday: Nursery School vs. Nursing Home Tuesday: Adam Sandler Wednesday: BBQ Dad Vs. Soccer Mom Thursday:...

Winter Ball court members Michael "MJ" Julias, Eric Hoover, and Marty "MJ" Brown, all seniors, participate in a pie eating contest.  This was one of the highlights of the Winter Ball pep rally.

A “Mini” gathering: Students celebrate Mini-THON at Winter Week pep rally (Photos)

Nadia Startzman, Staff writer February 20, 2020

On Fri. Jan. 24 all CHS  students gathered in the McGowan Gym, to introduce our Winterball court and to talk about Mini-THON.  Friday's spirit day was upperclassmen (12th and 11th grade) vs. underclassmen...

Four Carlisle High School seniors showed their school spirit during the grade level dance-off.

Getting in the spirit of giving: Spirit Week kicks off Mini-THON

Dyamond Jones and Carlin Diehl November 28, 2018

Carlisle High School’s Spirit Week is typically a week full of fun activities and school pride in preparation for Homecoming, but the lengthy gym renovations put a halt the on this CHS tradition, leaving...

Physics teacher Robert Barrick dressed up for the theme. Many teachers enjoyed getting into the spirit.

Spirit week: Tropical Day (Photos)

Verity Stine, Student Life Editor October 17, 2017

Sophomores Madeline Thorndike, Kensington MacMillen, Sophia Toti, Emily Evers, and Audrey Barefield show off their wild outfits. Many students planned matching outfits with their friends.

Spirit week: fashion disaster (Photos)

Verity Stine, Student Life Editor October 17, 2017

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