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  • March 3Celebrate Math Week
  • February 27Mamma Mia Musical 2/27-3/1 at 7!
The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


A landscape view of the Tidal Basin.

In Bloom: Washington DC’s 2024 Cherry Blossom Festival (Gallery)

Jenna Coller, Editor-in-Chief March 26, 2024

Every spring, thousands of cherry blossom trees bloom in Washington D.C. around the Tidal Basin and throughout the National Mall. To celebrate the flora, the city hosts the National Cherry Blossom Festival...

Thornwald Park features hiking trails where visitors can take in the spring foliage as they stroll through tree-covered trails.

Spectacular Spring: Places to Visit in Central PA

Haylie Potter, Staff Writer April 21, 2023

As the weather gets warmer and the days grow longer after the long frosty winter, spring is finally here. March 20th marks the first day of spring. Flowers are beginning to bloom and going outside is full...

Humans of CHS: Gavin Shoemaker

Gavin Shoemaker: Humans of CHS

Kirsten Bisconer, Photographer March 23, 2023

"My Favorite thing about spring is the weather. It's not freezing but it also not y' know, boiling you alive. Spring weather is perfect for doing construction work, it allows me to just focus on what I'm...

COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS: The Swartz auditorium is setting the stage for "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

417 years and counting: Shakespeare Troupe casts ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’

Rylie Workman, Staff Writer March 2, 2022

A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a tale of romance, comedy, and magic. When two lovers, Lysander and Hermia, have their marriage frowned upon, they decide to run off to be married. But when Hermia’s...

The Periscope/Oracle spring publication

Focused on the Future: Periscope/Oracle spring publication

Periscope staff May 28, 2020

When Covid-19 required us to stay home, the Periscope staff was faced with a challenging situation: how do we create a senior magazine? At the same time, the Oracle yearbook staff was just about to...

9 seniors celebrated signing with the respective colleges on April 17. Front row: Jessica Petrunak, Marlise Newson. Middle row: Caleb Padgett, Seth Collins-Bloomquist, Nicolas Nunnally. Back row: Howie Rankine, Dylan White,  William Mosinski, Jaden Motter

A sign of the future: Spring Signing Day 2019

Periscope staff April 17, 2019

Seth Collins-Bloomquist: Shippensburg University, wrestling William Mosinski: Upper Iowa University, baseball Jaden Motter: Delaware Valley University, football Marlise Newson: Hood College, basketball...

Coach Sullenberger stands at the podium ready to begin the pre-season meeting.  Sullenberger is the newly appointed coach for the upcoming 2019 spring season.

Softball welcomes new coach in meeting

Summer Hollingsworth, Staff Writer October 17, 2018

UPDATE: As reported by The Carlisle Sentinel on Jan 12, Joe Sullenberger has been placed on immediate leave "due to an investigation unrelated to his employment."   On Wednesday, Sept 26, a meeting...

Students struggle to stay dedicated to schoolwork throughout the school  year.  Wintertime affects many students.

Feeling SAD: Seasonal affective disorder impacts students

Kathleen O’Neill April 24, 2018

Students’ moods often reflect the weather.  When the weather looks up, even for a day, the students get excited. On Friday, it was nearly eighty degrees and sunny. Earlier in the week, it was snowing....

Freshman Rachel Bell participates in a pre-season practice.  The team is getting ready for their 2018 season.

Softball swings into season

Autiana Easley, Student Life writer March 28, 2018

The softball season is swinging back into action this year with more rigorous and focused practices and a strong and dedicated team. Tryouts for the girl's softball team were March 5-7, with the head...

Spring Signing 2017
Front row: Najae Nickerson, Sarah Reidy, Sarah Raphael, Julia Ledgett, Cara Eschenmann, Emily Smeltz, Cassidy Hoover. Middle row: Judith Purdy, Sydney Purcell, Brayden Lippert, Morgan Hall, Jessie Lissner, Jilian Ingram. Back row: Isaac Kole, Justin Trolinger, Ethan Houston, Jared Griffie, Andrew Houghton, Billy Davis.

Springing Forward: CHS athletes make college commitments

Periscope staff April 12, 2017

When the grass on the fields begins to deepen its verdant hue, we know that it's time for the spring signing day in the CHS athletic department.  Today, April 12, 19 seniors committed to playing at the...

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