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The student news site of Carlisle High School


  • March 3Celebrate Math Week
  • February 27Mamma Mia Musical 2/27-3/1 at 7!
The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


TICKET TO WONDERLAND: It's time for the annual Winter Ball celebration. There are opportunities to even win free Winter Ball tickets, through spirit days and after school activities! And the option to buy will be open till the day before the ball, March 9.

‘Wonder’-ful week: Winter Ball returns to CHS

Jillian Grimes, News Editor March 8, 2022

As the winter season comes to a close, we need one last celebration of the season at CHS, the annual Winter Ball. After previously being postponed, Winter Ball will be held on Thursday, March 10, an...

Voting is a right  given to those who are over 18 to help them stay involved with our government. Teens who have not reached this age by the election are not able to have a say despite all of their new responsibilities.

Teen voting: Why it matters (Editorial)

Ayb Graham, Staff writer February 14, 2019

As a citizen of the United States, voting is very important to me. It can dictate our country’s future. But as a teenager, I don’t get a say in the matter. This is not right. Soon I will be able...

Students were given voter registration forms and pens to encourage them to register to vote.  The goal is to get 85% of the eligible student body registered by May 14th.

Registration rights: CHS students participate in Inspire U.S.

Claire Neiberg, Student Life writer February 13, 2018

Carlisle High School is determined to register 85 percent of seniors to vote before April 16, 2018. In order to achieve this goal, CHS has partnered with the Inspire U.S. organization.  The program,...

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