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The student news site of Carlisle High School


The student news site of Carlisle High School


As October comes around,  the changing color of leaves and the temperatures cooling down often get people ready for fall  While the leaves my be changing, the high temperatures have not come to a stop.

False fall: Horrible weather or nice transitions? (Editorial)

Ayb Graham, Staff writer October 9, 2019

With the beginning of October arriving, fall festivities are slowly setting in. Halloween decorations are being set up, and pumpkin-flavored food reigns supreme; however, it is still hot enough outside...

Students struggle to stay dedicated to schoolwork throughout the school  year.  Wintertime affects many students.

Feeling SAD: Seasonal affective disorder impacts students

Kathleen O’Neill April 24, 2018

Students’ moods often reflect the weather.  When the weather looks up, even for a day, the students get excited. On Friday, it was nearly eighty degrees and sunny. Earlier in the week, it was snowing....

Spring brings new adventures!

Welcome Spring! (Editorial)

Amanda Corrao, Perspectives writer March 25, 2014

Spring, a new season! Can’t wait for new things to happen like a new life or a new love but we all hope for something to happen and spring is the best time for it. Anything can happen during this...

While we may be enjoying our extra sleep now, thanks to the snow, we won't be enjoying our lack of a spring break when we make up these snow days.

Snow days could become a problem for students (Editorial)

SarahBeth Davis, Perspectives writer January 30, 2014

Throughout the past weeks, CHS students have gotten several delays and days off due to the snow and cold weather. While everyone loves to be able to sleep late, or have a snow day at the time, is it really...

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