Teenagers should be allowed to trick-or-treat (Editorial)
October 31, 2016
Should teenagers be allowed to trick-or-treat?
Yes, teenagers should be allowed to go trick-or-treating. Even though some teenagers say it’s childish, some like to go get candy, or even scare little kids in the process.
Teenagers don’t even have to get candy. Some just might walk around wearing their costumes to show them what they dressed up as, or even walk around with younger siblings to match what their wearing.
“I think teenagers should be allowedd to go trick- or – treating, but I also think that if the adult doesn’t want to give the teenager candy, that’s okay,” said Alix Jones, freshman.
If the adult doesn’t give us candy it’s understandable. It’s just that teens should be allowed to go because they want this opportunity to last before becoming an adult.
“Teenagers are old enough that they are allowed to walk around by themselves and get more candy then what they could when they were younger,” said Sage Diana, sophomore.
So I believe we should be able to walk around and show off our costumes. But teenagers should be allowed to go trick-or-treating until the adults tell us that they are not giving candy to us.