Best Actor

January 7, 2019

Dressed in a white tank top and white-washed Levi jeans, Rami Malek rocked his way into the headlines in his performance in Bohemian Rhapsody, securing his nomination this Oscar season in my bracket. His portrayal of Freddie Mercury made all movie-going audiences wish they could witness just one more performance from the real-life star. Additionally, many critic’s top choice is Bradley Cooper for his stellar performance as a dwindling rock star in his own film, A Star is Born, leaving much to be considered for this year’s winner. Other nomination predictions may include Christian Bale as Dick Cheney in Vice, Viggo Mortensen in Green Book, and Willem Dafoe’s performance in At Eternity’s Gate.


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Photo of Lillianne Hogsten
Lillianne Hogsten, Photography Editor

Lillianne Hogsten is currently a senior at Carlisle High School and the Photography Editor for Periscope this year. Not only is she a photographer/writer...

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