Nicole Shultz- Keystone Party

Scope: What are your top three priorities if elected?  

NS: The Lt. Governor position has three main areas that it presides over.
Control of the senate floor
Board of Pardons

So my goals in those areas are to keep the State Senate running as smoothly as possible to stop gridlock on the Senate floor.
As for the Board of Pardons, DNA evidence is being used now more than ever to free individuals who have been wrongly accused. My goal is to help those individuals who were either wrongly accused, or whose sentence no longer fits the crime. I will also be looking at women and children who fought against their abusers and were convicted (wrongly) of a crime.
Special projects will be to help protect the environment and Farm lands from fracking and other types of pollution. I know most people will want to hear about legislation that needs passed or other hot topic subjects. However, I cannot mislead people on what the scope of my duties will be and how much influence I will have while in power. With that being said, I can use my voice to help educate others on topics that need attention.

Scope: Pennsylvania is a major swing state; if elected how you do plan to unify the state population? 

NS: I am glad that we live in a state that is so important during election time. This is a double edge sword at times. It brings voters to the polls on Election Day because their voice really does matter in a swing state. But, it also makes the stakes even higher. Trying to unify the state in a political climate that is so divisive will not be easy. The only thing we can do is to listen to everyone’s concerns and try to come up with legislation that everyone can live with. It will be what is best for the residents of Pennsylvania and not what is best for government.

Scope: What are your plans for alleviating higher education costs? 

NS: As Lt. Governor the most I can do is help pass legislation to reduce the cost the State controlled colleges and universities. However, I would like to see more education at the high school level teaching children what student loans are, how the interest is calculated, and how this can hurt you in the future. Most people are unware of the fact that if the student loan isn’t repaid that your wages, tax refund and Social security can be garnished at a percentage (for wages) or completely (for tax refund and S.S.) until it is paid in full.

I also think taking the government out of this equation will be better for student funding. Right now with federally backed loans the schools charge more because they know they have the backing of the government to help pay these loans. Anytime the government is involved the price is always higher.

Scope: Where do you stand on Roe v. Wade and Obergefell v. Hodges and how do you plan to act on your position? 

NS: The government should never be involved in any medical decision. Ever. This is a slippery slope we cannot afford to go down. If they are involved in these types of decision when does it stop? What is next? Do they get to decide what cancer
treatment you might need? Medical decisions should be between you and your doctor. The government and insurance companies should not have a say in what you may or may not need.

Scope: Gun violence in schools is a worry for many school students across the state. If elected, how do you plan to combat this in office? 

NS: There are many ways we can combat gun violence. The laws and background checks currently in place are sufficient for law abiding citizens. However, it is those that have no regard for the law that make it impossible to enforce certain areas of

With that being said, I feel the biggest issue is mental health. Our society has a bad habit of ignoring mental health issues. Not to mention talking about it seems to be taboo. We need to bring mental health issues to the forefront. We need to talk about them so the stigma is gone and these people seek the help they need. I think this will go a long way into reducing the amount of gun violence related crime.

Scope: Why should high school students vote for you? 

NS: The two major parties use these areas to get you to the polls in November to vote for them. However, after they are elected they do very little to pass legislation to alleviate the problems facing our society. They need these areas of concern to rally their voter base each election cycle. I am more of a pragmatic person. I want to seek the reasonable solutions to the problems we are facing and correct those issues so they are no longer a concern to most of the citizens of Pennsylvania. Isn’t it time that we have honest people in office who actually care about the problems we are facing, instead of just giving us lip service with no intention of following through with campaign promises. 


To find out more about Nicole Shultz, candidate for PA Lieutenant Governor, head to her website

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